But, He Really Is A Good Dog!

June 08, 2022 by admin
I have been involved in dog training all my life and one thing that I have seen over and over again is how we make excuses for our dogs. I get quite a few calls from dog owners telling me about their dog problems. No matter how bad the problem is they always seem to […]

We Went Through Training But Now My Dog Is Aggressive

June 08, 2022 by admin
If this is you then yes you can go through some obedience training and end up with an aggressive dog. In fact this is what recently happened to a lady that called me. She trained her dog at 6 months with some in-home private lessons and is now looking for answers as to why her […]

Things to know about dog training

June 08, 2022 by admin
Some may say that – by default – human behavior moves towards the general improvement of the diverse disciplines that it performs; a trend that often leads into – not always conclusive –debates on what is the best approach in terms of attaining the objectives of the discipline in question. This is also true when […]

A Safety Alert for Singapore Dog Owners

June 08, 2022 by admin
Are you staying safe as you share the world with your pet? Introducing a dog into your life means that you have to change your perspective on safety, in the same way that you would adjust your safety habits after having a new baby. Your dog training in Singapore needs to include basic safety for […]

Mixed-Up Motives: The Final Obstacle for Dog Trainers

June 08, 2022 by admin
Frustrated by your dog’s lack of progress with obedience training? Take a careful look at your own motives and expectations.

Dog Training Mistakes #4: Pacing

June 08, 2022 by admin
Does your dog look dazed after a training session? Try a slower pace, immediate rewards, and simpler commands to get long-lasting results.

Dog Training Mistakes #3: Are You A Treat Dispenser?

June 08, 2022 by admin
Do you dole out treats for every good behavior? Discover more effective and healthy ways to reward your dog and reinforce positive actions.

Dog Training Mistake #2: Lack of Correction or Reward

June 08, 2022 by admin
When should you reward your dog? If you’re struggling with training, find out when praise is helpful and when ignoring your pet is the right thing to do

Dog Training Mistake #1: Inconsistency

June 08, 2022 by admin
There’s an old saying that “if at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Many Singapore dog owners may feel as if they are stuck in a loop of failing and trying and failing again as they try to teach their dog specific behaviors. Everyone makes mistakes; and when it comes to dog training in Singapore […]

Sudoku for Dogs: Playing Brain Games with Your Pet

June 08, 2022 by admin
Is your dog acting out because of boredom? His behavior may be a sign of a highly intelligent animal who needs more mental stimulation.