Dog Training Classes
Obedience Compettion 2015-16
Obedience Competition 2012-14
Obedience Competition 2017-18
The making of Singtel Grace’s White Christmas
The making of Nippon Paint TVC
A new star is born -2
The making of Dana Dana
The making of StarHub Sparky 2015
Fox Channel -Subaru
The making of Parc Life TVC 2016
Our Early Productions
A new start is born
Cats, Dogs & HDB
Cesar Milan “Live” 2012
Desar to the Rescue (Asia)
Subaru TVC 2014
2015 gallery
2016/2017 gallery
Up close with Cesar Milan 2019
Annie- Singapore 2016
Annie – Jakarta 2016
National Day Pet Event
Changi City Point
Shows & Events
Singapore Pet Idol
Waggies obedience competition