Why Are Dog Obedience Classes Important?

Is it important to send my dog to obedience classes
When you think you have read up everything about Dog Obedience Training you may feel it is unnecessary to send your dog for obedience classes. You can easily train him at home with all the knowledge you have gathered. However, do you know that even professional dog trainers also trained their own dogs in obedience classes. So, why is it necessary?
Dog obedience classes are not just about training your dog to perform some basic commands. Of course, you can easily teach these basic commands to your dog in your own living room. Obedience classes are necessary to socialize your dog with people and other dogs outside of your family members. These classes will also increase the ability of your dog or puppy to focus in your command even in a noisy and unfamiliar environment. The most important thing is that these classes also help you to bond with your dog.
Why Dog Obedience Classes is essential:
Start the session with a very easy and simple task and slowly increase the level of difficulty as you progress with your dog as follow:
- Endless distraction increases your dog’s focusing power: In a familiar environment you can easily teach your dog some basic obedience commands, but it is not possible to replicate real-life distraction. The obedience classes will teach your dog to sit and to heel even in a noisy and crowded environment such as dogs are barking or people are walking by. Sometimes your dog trainer will intentionally add more distractions like engine’s sound or even a cat.
- It helps to socialize your dog: It is very important for your dog to meet with other dog and because it develops his social skills. When your dog goes to the obedience class, he will meet with other dogs. This will train your dog to be less excitable when in contact with other dogs. Dogs that are not socialized may react with hostility when meeting unfamiliar dogs or people.
- Other family members can also learn about dog training: Obedience training is not able just one person and his dog, a dog is part of the family. Dogs are pack animals and the family it lives with is his pack. Not only does it help to build a bonding relationships between the dog and the family members, it is encourages family interactions.
- You can still learn something new: You can never know everything about training your dog. Every lesson you are bound to learn something new about the training method and your dog. If you have more than one dog, you may even realize that they are totally different in personality and different methods may have to be adopted to teach the same command to both of them.
- Give you an excuse to train your dog: In our busy lifestyle, it may not be easy to find time to train our dog. However, by signing up for a class, it helps us to set a time every week and every day to spend some time training our dog. By attending a class, it is also more motivating as you are not doing it alone. Often than not, you will feel that the session is inspirational and also very rewarding when you see your dog improving.
- A great chance to interact with other dog owners: Needless to say, it creates an opportunity for dog owners to gather together to meet and interact. Ideas can be exchanged and you will be surprise to realise that you learn a lot more than just reading from books or the internet.
With all these advantages, Dog Obedience Training Classes are a great way with to spend quality time with your little furball.